Wednesday 18 July 2012

Saya tak nak risiko!

Dear gentle readers,

I admit,i bukan org yang berani to take a risk,ada duit lebih,sume simpan dalam saving akaun yg fixed price ie ASB,nak join business pun takut,takut kena tipu,takut xbalik modal,sume takutlah..Tapi start je i join this biz it transform me,

In my humble opinion, for those yang ada hati nak buat biz tapi 50-50.Jgn ikut sgt perasaan takut utk start biz. If you tak buat, you will never know how far can u go.Samalah mcm makan,kalau kita tak rasa makanan tu mcmmana nak tau sedap or tak,tengok presentation memang cantik,sekali rasa ... hak tui!!,boleh pengsan.=D

Jgn fikir nak 'CUBA' buat biz. Once dah buat keputusan, BUAT sampai jadi. Sebab, org yg x putus asa memang confirm jadi... Cuma 'jadi' cepat dgn lambat jer bezanye...

Sebenarnya, kalau nak difikirkan, tak ada org yg GAGAL dalam dunia ni, selagi dia terus mencuba. Yang jadi gagal tu sebab berhenti sekerat jalan atau langsung tak MULA... So, make sure kita semua TAK tergolong dalam kelompok gagal, tak kira laaa dlm bidang apa pun yg kita ceburi.

Pernah tak bila you rasa bersemangat untuk sesuatu then suddenly when people talk a negative things about it then you start to doubt about it or you doubt about your ability?

Thus,I want to share some of inspirational stories yang i rasa mungkin u ols pernah baca or dah lama tau.its ok,kita share sama2,sharing is caring kan..If you are having a bad day or doubting your own greatness,you read of thesse little tidbits and get up again to tackle the world outside!!

1. Colonel Sanders (KFC)

If you think you are too old to start a business and become successful? Think again. At age 64, Colonel Sanders retired from his job and received a $105.00 retirement check. He was at a cross roads in his life at that point. He could either retire broke, and live out his golden years in poverty, or he could start fresh again, at age 64. He made a decision to go for it, and set out to sell his chicken recipe. He was turned down 1,005 times before he found a restaurant to use it.  He never gave up, and he always kept the mindset of a winner, regardless of the opinions of others.

~hey, if  i kena reject 2 kali pun dah down,but look at him....more than 1000 times????,just imagine,if kali ke 1004 dia give up tak wujudlah "ayam yang sehingga menjilat jari kegemaran you ols tu ~

2. J.K. Rowling(the creator of the Harry Potter)

 Ultimately, we all have to decide for ourselves what constitutes failure, but the world is quite eager to give you a set of criteria if you let it… I’m not going to stand here and tell you that failure is fun. That period of my life was a dark one… You may never fail on the scale that I did, but some failure in life is inevitable, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.

Forbes has since named Rowling the first person to become a U.S. dollar billionaire by writing books.

3. Michael Jordan

A failure-to-success article would not be complete without including the iconic Michael Jordan. Did you know he was cut from his high school basketball team because his coach said he wasn’t good enough?  He sums it up as;

I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And, that is why I succeed. ” ~ Michael Jordan


Every one in life faces failure now and then,its normal because its part of our life as human being.Setiap orang yang berjaya dia rasa kegagalan dahulu,and kebanyakan yang berjaya......

"start from zero to hero"

We never know what is around the next corner in our lives. The key is to be open and present, and pay attention to everything the universe sends our way. Never stop learning, never stop doing what you love, never give up on your passion, and most importantly, never give up on yourself !!.

What are you waiting for ?change now!!!

The opportunity is widely open, just call this number :

ANIEZ 013-3999325
or Email me
or just PM me at my FB

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